Sunday, June 1, 2008

December 26, 1942
I write today out of stress and frustration because two days ago, the Santa Maria run aground on a reef and on Christmas sunk into the depths of the deep blue sea. I have built a fort with the remaining pieces of wood. I have named the fort, La Navidad, meaning Christmas. I currently only have one ship, the Nina. This is because, as I suspected, the back stabbing Martin Alonso betrayed me and took the Pinta with him on a search for gold on and island called, Babeque. I am in an extreme fit of rage. Now with just one ship, not all of my crewmembers can fit on it. I do not want to have too many angry crewmembers on such a small ship, so I fear that I will have to leave about forty or fifty men on the shores of La Navidad, until I return on a future journey.

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