Sunday, June 1, 2008

January 16, 1942
Ten days ago, when traveling along the shores of Hispaniola, I came upon the Pinta. However, my anger at Alonso Pinzon was eased because it was satisfying to see the ship and return to Spain with one more ship and not have to explain to the Queen why I only have one of the three beautiful flagships. Also, the return trip to Spain will be that much more easily accomplished. Me and Alonso and our crew have been staying at Samana Bay for ten days, but plan on departing some time soon today. I hope that the conditions and the weather will hold out for the good. I do not think that Alonso will betray me yet again and this time, I will keep a close watch on the Pinta. I have told Alonso the recent news of how the Santa Maria had foundered on the reef off the shores of Hispaniola. My crew has gotten to become more organized and I feel confident in my command.

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