Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Second Voyage

October 17, 1493
The ship of Columbus had left the Canary Islands about four days ago and we plan to arrive in Hispaniola within upcoming months. I have been keeping a log and account of our sea travels with Christopher Columbus. The ship has a distinct smell of horse manure because the Europeans have decided to send livestock to America for the first time. This is Christopher Columbus’s second journey and I am proud to be a part of it. My name is Abejundio Domino. I am a Spanish native and hope one day to be a great navigator like Christopher Columbus. There are sixteen other ships making the journey from Hierro in the Canary Islands. The ships, which Columbus travels with, are truly fascinating and it is wonderful to be a part of his crew. However the work on the ship is hard and can be dangerous with the untamed waves. Yesterday around noon, I was standing amidships sketching a chart of what the surrounding waters looked like, when before I knew it, my feet were lifted off of the deck and flung back into the stern. I knew that the following months aboard this ship were not going to come with ease.

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