Sunday, June 1, 2008

May 4, 1494
After leaving La Isabela, Columbus’s newly found town in Hispaniola, with just three ships, the journey ahead of us seemed perilous. The food supply is not as large as it was on the earlier parts of the voyage and almost no fruits or vegetables are to be seen. Many of the sailors are suffering from scurvy. Almost every day, members of the crew are throwing up, losing teeth or hair, and showing great signs of weakness. Fortunately, we will be anchoring on the Island called Jamaica, which Columbus has said is rich with gold. I hope to get a good night’s rest and a handsome supply of food in my stomach. There will most likely be tropical fruits on the Island that I can record and bring back to Spain for my family. The water is crystal blue and many yachts roam around our ships. However, at night, there are loud shrieks and tribal noises coming from the mysterious island. I am afraid that the Indians living there will not welcome us and force us to return to Cuba.

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