Sunday, June 1, 2008

October 1, 1494
Much has happened in the past few months with Christopher Columbus. After several long weeks on the ship heading westward, Christopher Columbus had decided that his search for the mainland was in fact, a failure. However, I have been ordered to sign a document as part of being in Columbus’s crew that Cuba was the mainland and I had to swear that because it was so big, it must be so. Then, we voyaged back to Hispaniola, which was the most treacherous trip of all because we had to go back through the shoals and work against the headwind. After four weeks of unbearable winds, Columbus decided to once again head back for Jamaica and confirmed that it was an island. The date was August 20th when we finally reached the shores of Hispaniola, but proceeded eastward along the mysterious southern coast. Nothing new was discovered. After many exciting adventures with Christopher Columbus, in late September, I decided that since Columbus was seriously ill, I would abandon any further explorations and return to La Isabela until a later voyage.

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